Friday, March 26, 2010


An exploration and exposure of the materials, process and print available, with a view to encouraging graphic designers to make informed and innovative choices when exploring printed matter outcomes.

The product of the project would take the form of a tactile reference, a reference of materials, process and print for the graphic designer making final print decisions. It would consist of real outcomes perceived by touch. The project would be informed by printers, giving expert advice on traditional as well as contemporary processes.

Various books and publications citing some of the materials, processes and print available do exist, as do printers and paper manufacturers samples; yet nothing exists which combines these to act as a visual and sensory reference for designers. In turn, the project will provide and document the print design processes available, combined with the reassurance of seeing & feeling the actual processes, something which print based designers and students could find invaluable.

Unfortunately due to a client who i had devised a branding brief with letting me down some what I have had to change my FMP proposal. I've decided to stick to a slightly more specific version of what I had originally pitched earlier in March. The research I had undertaken while working on the branding brief is still partially relevant as i was very keen on using alternative & innovative print processes. Being let down by my client was a real upset and worry but now having approached this brief again with fresh eyes after a few weeks i feel i can produce something tangible and viable.